June 7th, 2012

“If you continue to write and rewrite, to submit and resubmit, you will publish and republish.”

~Paul R. Martin

We’ve covered several ways to get started or back to your writing.

But none of what we discussed will ever take the place of actual writing.

Putting the words on the paper is the only way to get your book written.

I repeat, the ONLY way.

Thinking about, talking about it, wishing, hoping, and dreaming will NEVER get you published.

So let’s take the plunge and start putting words down.

Write what you’d like to accomplish TODAY. Then this WEEK. If you’re brave enough, what about this MONTH.

Journal your progress.

Jot down character, plot, story ideas.

Challenge yourself to write an opening sentence. Set a goal to complete the first paragraph, then the first page and then the first chapter

Pull out something you’ve written before life and Trolls got in the way and re-read it. Soon, you will correct a word here, a phrase there, and before you know it, your head is back in the story and you’re doing some revising on it which leads to writing new words and brings you closer to finishing it.

The important thing is to START.

And by keeping your head in the game and focused on your objective, you’ll soon be off the bench and on the playing field.


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June 5th, 2012

…but GW and I have a new obsession! And it is…. (drum roll please)


Yes, you heard me correctly folks, it’s embroidering. How did we get started on such a creative outlet?

One day, I mentioned to him that I didn’t have a sewing machine so had no way of doing minor alterations and/or repairs to our clothing. So, GW being GW, he did his research to decide which machine we needed to buy. (I just love this about him. I mention something I’m thinking of purchasing and he does all the work to find the best for the money, the best reviews, etc. I get to skip this part and just enjoy the rewards, but don’t tell him I said that. He might start making me do it myself and I don’t have the patience, LOL!)

So, off to the sewing center we go. He’d decided on a Brother machine – one that does sewing AND embroidering! Cool, huh?

We take it home, read the directions and viola! His first project:

Isn’t Mickey cool??? But the saying is a private joke. If I told you, I’d have to kill you!

GW did great job even though he was being a smart aleck (which he is also good at). The reason for the text being a little different colors is because he used variegated thread (which means different colors both light and dark).

And then he surprised me with a bar towel:

Then we (meaning he) decided since the biggest project this machine would do is only 4 inches by 4 inches, we (meaning he) MIGHT need a machine that does a much bigger area. So, after much research (again) off we go to the sewing center (again) and came home with this:

Bigger, Better, Behr, LOL!!! It even comes with a tablet you can draw things and digitalize them to be embroidered.

So cool, huh?

So next came bar towels for a friend:

The friend loves them and has them in the new bar he just built in the game room. We were over there this weekend at a party and several people were commenting on them. Not that we were eavesdropping or anything (and loving every minute of the oohs and ahs and isn’t that cool. LOL!)!

Together, we’re working on a generic baby quilt (sorta like an experiment) and it’s turning out really cute. He embroidered all the squares and I am putting the quilt together on the smaller machine.

We are working on an idea for a special order baby blanket for his daughter and then plans to make several more quilts in different patterns.

Are we not the creative cats meow? He and I are both having so much fun poring over patterns and ideas and creating new works of art. But I do have to say, I’m proud of him for what he has learned and accomplished in such a short time. I like to think up the creative parts and he enjoys figuring out how to make them work. And he has some awesome creativity ideas himself.

So stay tuned and I’ll share more of our ideas as we go.


June 2nd, 2012

“Great things are not done by impulse, but by a series of small things brought together.”

~Vincent Van Gogh

We’ve talked about ideas to keep our stories, our characters, our writing in the forefront of our minds.

But what keeps us ‘wanting’ to go to the trouble when it is so easy to let go of it. And, trust me, it is easy to let go.

I’ve been told we create pathways in our brain. Those paths become familiar and, no matter whether they are good ones or bad ones, they start to feel comfortable to us. It’s what we know.

For example, I’m a worrier. I was born worrying! And now worrying is so ingrained in me, I barely register I’m doing it. So, now, I make a conscious effort to stop the negative thoughts and head them in a more positive direction.

Believe it or not, it works.

We have to create a positive pathway with our writing. And inspiration can help keep that path open.

What inspires you?

Think about it on a daily basis. Talk about them. Get together with writer friends and talk about writing. About Books. Plots. Characters. Publishing. Author Branding. The Industry. If others are excited about your writing, it’s easy to catch the fever also.

Join a critique group. Attend local writer’s meetings. Join online chapters and never leave the comfort of home. These are excellent support systems and sources to keep up with the industry. Believe it or not, Publishing IS an industry just like any other business.

Design a new blog, website, bookmark, or business card. Visit other blogs and websites.

It is amazing how it can jump start the creative juices to flow.

Think about what inspires you. Maybe you have some ideas I haven’t thought of. Share them if you like or email me personally

Next we’ll talk about the writing itself!


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