Tagged by Mik to tell all – well – actually only five – weird random things about me. Here ya go:

1. Rod Stewart literally ran into me and almost knocked me into the water on the San Antonio Riverwalk. The sad thing is that I didn’t know it was him until a little while later. I saw him doing a promo in front of a camera and had to ask someone in the crowd watching.
2. My favorite dish is a macaroni and sausage recipe I found years ago. Can practically eat the WHOLE thing!
3. I was told years ago that I would be blessed by always having men in my life. A husband and four sons and two grandsons later…
4. I would love to be on ‘Survivor’ only to lose weight.
5. I really, truly, deeply care for my friends and family and want all their dreams to come true. Even if mine never do.

I hereby tag the following people:

Sandy S

Today was my last day of work for a week and it turned out to be really a great day. I was not happy about having to drive to an office the furthest in our system, but the traffic was light, the day turned out beautiful, and they sent me on two errands around lunchtime that turned out to be exactly where I needed to go to buy two of the last gifts I needed to buy!

And they fed me lunch when I got back! :banana: A good day!

Christmas is only two days away! Hope all of you have your shopping done and can sit back and relax and enjoy the season!

This entry was posted on Thursday, December 22nd, 2005 at 10:25 pm and is filed under General. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Responses are currently closed, but you can trackback from your own site.

3 Responses to “Tagged!”

Dennie Says:

Now did I tag you – no :eyes:

– sheesh – I’ll get on it tomorrow. :mrgreen:

Dennie Says:

I did it :banana: I did it :banana:

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