‘We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act, but a habit.’

…mostly. And usually never when I have dental work. Give me the nitrous oxide and I am a happy camper. But today I had to have some pretty major dental surgery and it got to me this time. I have faced a root canal and surgeries to remove an under the gum cyst and those were picnics compared to today.

If you have ever seen Jurassic Park, do you remember the little boy that got shocked on the electrified fence? And when he came to he was wild eyed and disoriented and unsteady?

That was me today. But with drool. Not a pretty picture.

I called my dh on the way home and later he told me that I sounded a little weird. Like I couldn’t finish a thought. Scary to think I drove myself home.

Tonight it is just pretty uncomfortable. :help: But I have some pain pills that I may break down and take. 😈

Working on three different writing projects right now. And have two others in the wings. Have talked to three different writer friends this weekend and we were all talking about how we have several projects going and if we get stuck or bored with one, move to another one.

Do most writers do that? Or am I just flighty and fickle?

Tomorrow is our chapter meeting. Looking forward to Candace Havens speaking to us on Fast Draft. Will be interested to know if I will be able to talk with my mouth full of stitches.

~Sandy J

This entry was posted on Friday, June 9th, 2006 at 9:56 pm and is filed under General. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Responses are currently closed, but you can trackback from your own site.

11 Responses to “i am not a wimp…”

melissa Says:

Ugh, the dentist is never a fun time. Hope you feel better in time for your big day.

melissa Says:

forgot to say i was visiting from Michele’s.

Dennie Says:

Do most writers do that?

Oh hello – 24 open WIP’s – I guess I’d have to say yes…….. :yes:

you guys have fun today – which I was there too! :cowboy: :guitar:

Devon Ellington Says:

I think, if you want to make a living at writing, you have to juggle multiple projects. It has to do with the lag time between creation and payment. Good for you! Keep writing ==and I hope your mouth feels better soon.

Dennie Says:

I am so tired – I meant WISH I was there – sheesh :eyes: – tell me if Amie made it and if she looks as tired as I feel :hiding: – LOL!

Tori Lennox Says:

*hugs* on the dental woes. I feel your pain, though, thankfully mine wasn’t as bad as yours.

As for juggling multiple WIPs… you are SOOOO not alone. 🙂

Amie Says:

Dentists are evil! 👿

I don’t do multiple projects because I feel like I never get anythign done. And normally I write linear but with this novella I’ve written all out of order. :juggle:

Mik Says:

Candace Havens was GREAT. And you know I do that. The Gemini that I am. :thumbsup: Hope you’re feeling better after that dental work. EEK

Eve Says:

I can work on multiple projects? WhooHoo! I thought that wasn’t allowed – that we were supposed to focus on getting the one WIP done.

Sorry about the dentist. Hope you’re feeling better today.

Oh, and I thnk the Jurassic boy did have a bit of drool.

I put up a fantasy avatar today for your enjoyment. I’ll leave her up until you feel like looking at her.

Sandy Says:

Melissa: Thanks for visiting and the kind words!

Dennie: Missed you also yesterday. It was a great one. And Amie looked great. Do you mean you didn’t? :mrgreen:

Devon: I know you do juggle many, many things! What an inspiration! :juggle:

Tori: Hopefully, wont have to do that again! If I lose about 15 pounds it will all be worth it. :thumbsup:

Amie: I know it’s going to be good regardless as you are so talented. So glad to have seen you yesterday. You looked great! Regardless how you felt, 😈

Mik: I can’t even begin to keep up with what all you juggle :typing:

Eve: Love, love, LOVE the avatar!!! I think my hair looked like the Jurassic boy also :bugeyes:

Elizabeth Cordes Says:

Great site lots of usefull infomation here.

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