~Paul Raymond Martin
…casual writing.
According to Paul Raymond Martin’s Inspiration and Motivation Writer’s Little Instruction Book!
And I quote:
‘Everything you write is an opportunity to practice your craft, whether it’s a sympathy note, a personal letter, an email message, or an anecdote in your journal. Express yourself as well as you can at that particular moment.’
Of course, I try my best to practice my craft. Writing my shopping list is a work of art. I just don’t actually remember to take it to the store with me.
And answering an email to my co-workers takes an hour to craft to make sure the verbage is just so. Unfortunately, by the time I finally get it done, I have six others from them I need to answer. Must write faster…must write faster!
But I did get four pages done over the weekend. Unfortunately, two on one book and two on the other. But I have set a new goal. I don’t dare voice it as I don’t want the evil trolls of non-writing to hear and visit me.
I will be so glad when fall comes. The weather has been hitting over 100 for weeks now. We had to have the air conditioning company come and fix our upstairs a/c and thankyouverymuch, God, it only cost $194.58! He said we needed a new coil but this one should last us over the winter. In case you didn’t know, coils are VERY expensive.
I hope he means this coming winter. That’s what he said last summer. Or, maybe, he thinks it is still summer from last year since we didn’t have a winter this year. 😯
We have some people in from Minnesota visiting at work and they said their nights have been in the 60’s up north. They are still in shock that last night at 8:30pm it was still in the 80’s.
Welcome to Texas, boys. :cowboy: