‘Every writer spends a lifetime as a writer-in-training .’
~Paul Raymond Martin

…the weekend GO!

Can’t believe it is already Sunday night and work looms in the morning.

Not that I don’t love my job, but I believe there should a law allowing 4 day work weeks. It actually takes 3 days of a weekend to get caught up around the house, buy groceries, run errands, and get a little rested. Two is just NOT enough.

Had to miss my chapter’s plotting retreat this weekend. First one I have ever missed! :hissyfit:

Just had WAY to much to do plus wasn’t feeling well. Have a project at work due next Friday and needed to work on it.

Bought a new purse Saturday. A black pebbled Fossil brand. Really cool! I had a purse I needed to exchange that hubby bought for my birthday and when I took it back, realized I was at the wrong store! I had picked up the wrong receipt thinking he bought it at one place but when the lady said they don’t sell that brand, I realized it was for a different store. I was so embarrased. I hope she didn’t think I trying to pull a fast one. Honest mistake. Really. She was very nice about it though.

Watched the season premier of Lost Wednesday. I liked it but am so ready for the story to move forward. Getting a little tired of all the backstories. I think we have a grasp of the characters now. Only, it was weird that the Others seem to know quite a bit about the crash survivors. It was almost like they knew they were coming, but at the beginning of this episode it was evident they didn’t. Don’t want to ruin it for those who haven’t seen it yet.

Worked long and hard this weekend on the project. Wish me luck!


This entry was posted on Sunday, October 8th, 2006 at 8:17 pm and is filed under General. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Responses are currently closed, but you can trackback from your own site.

5 Responses to “where does…”

Sandy S Says:

Good luck on your project Sandy…you’ll do just fine.

Devon Ellington Says:

Tlime to start making a list of chores. There’s no reason you have to do all the housework.

Hated the premiere of LOST. I’m done with the show. It’s become predictible and I think they’ve chosen the cheapest of the possible storylines. Ick.

Rene Says:

Oddly enough, after vacation, I wanted to clean house. I love Monday’s because I can get rid of my family. Maybe you should have a housekeeper come in every other week to help out? I did when I worked and I do now that I don’t work.

Dennie ~ Says:

you talked to your best bud – that was the highlight right?!?! 😉

Sandy Says:

Sandy S: Thanks! I need it!

Devon: I hear ya! Will watch another episode or two and then decide if it is worth my time.

Rene: Hmmm! LOVE that idea! Will have to work on doing exactly that.

Dennie: You betcha ya!

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