~Mark Twain
For two nights this week I have didn’t get home until late. Very late. From work. (Get your mind out of the gutter!!! 😎 ) And have come home to 175 spam emails.
Within. My. Blog.
The kind you have to go to each comment and delete. :wall:
Not to mention my other email address.
Michelle was kind enough last week to do something (far be it for me to understand) on my blog to help keep this from happening, but I believe my address had already been sold to the devil.
A lot of it is in a foreign language. No comprende, you idiot…
Wanting me to have a bigger p*nis or larger br*asts. Don’t have a p*nis and my br*asts are just fine. ‘Course if the word ‘perkier’ were mentioned…
Offering me the option to buy stock. No thanks. I will wait and see how the stock in the obscure company in that remote village does for YOU first…
P*rn*graphy. Ewwww ! I am a nurse. I have seen all kinds of naked bodies. Again…Ewww! And shame on you!
Mr. ‘Whomever’ died and left two million dollars in the bank with no heirs. Email me and I’ll see that you get the money. Yeah, right! After sending YOU money first! Do people really ever fall for this?
Now, I am not trying to compete with Bailey’s Friday Spamarama as she is the Queen of the Spamarama. She does such a funny job with them! But I am just so tired of having to clean my emails…my blog… and now… my language.
A pox on you! And when you finally die and go to hell, I hope you are forced to sit with NO computer and have to hand write in brimstone an ‘I’m sorry’ note to each and every email address you ever sent a spam to. That’ll take you an eternity or two!
Gaw! Have to run so I can clean out the 65 spams I got overnight!
I need coffee…:lovecoffee: