~Grace Hansen
I am sitting in here in pajamas drinking a cup of coffee getting caught up on reading blogs and thinking how blessed I am. About so many things. I wanted to sleep in, but just couldn’t do it. At least to the sinful time of 7:00 am. But, no, at 5:45 I am AWAKE. Have not been sleeping well lately.
Queen of don’t-get-in-a-prone-position-because-she-is-out-like-a-light me. Of course, put me on a road trip and I take naps very well. Have been tempted to ask the family to take me riding around about midnight to see if I can fall asleep. Pretty sure they would look at me like I was nuts.
Also, working on my list for today’s chores.
Note to self: Next year DO NOT get this far behind!
Today’s goal is to get the frickin’ Christmas shopping DONE! Or at least much closer. Trust me, this year I will be out shopping on Christmas Eve. And I hate that. I am usually done or close by Dec 1.
Work has been so slow it is driving me up a wall. The DTS’s have grown from 600 to 794 yet we can’t take any just yet. But we have worked on another way (sneakily I might add) to get the patches in that WE need to continue our builds. We are so running out of time for the apps training and go live.
My son made me watch ‘Love Actually’ last night. He is usually right on the money about movies that I would like. And it was okay. Had a really great and cute ending to it. There was one ‘subplot’ that they could have totally left out and would not have made one bit of a difference to the plot and would have enhanced the movie. I am not a prude by no means, but to have a love-relationship type movie that is supposed to make you feel good and have that type of almost p*rn in it really offended me. I was curled up on the sofa in a blanket with only the Christmas tree lights on and it literally ruined the mood. Ewww!
Also, watched Ghost Whisperer. I love that show. It is about the only one I watch any more. At least until American Idol starts and Lost comes back on. But I love the way her husband loves her. He listens to her and they have a great ‘can talk about anything’ relationship. That’s the kind of relationship people need. To be able to talk about whatever is on your mind and share anything. If either in the relationship needs to be reined in for anything then the other does it, but gently and with love. Not a control thing. I want to be under the protection of my man. But that’s the key word, protection. Not control.
Still loved The Lakehouse. Should’ve watched it again.
Sorry this is rambling. But that’s the way my mind works when I am not focused on anything in particular.
Have a great Saturday.