Quote for the Day

“Love is an irrestible desire to be irresistibly desired”

~Robert Frost

…well, actually the queen Hatshepsut rested in New York, but that didn’t stop us from visiting her ‘things’ at the Kimball.

And it ended up being Starbucks instead of tea ~ care of M. ‘daBear’ which I definitely thankhimverymuch.

And it was FUN! I have never attended a Museum Exhibit before. It started out Brenda and I and ended up with Brenda and I and ‘da Bears’. DH said thanks, but no thanks and no amount of asking, begging or shaming could get him to the culture event. I even got Mrs. da Bear to work on him. Says the only museum he wants to visit will contain ‘manly’ things ~ sports, fishing, or hunting. In other words, the sign on the outside has to say ‘B.A.S.S. Shop’ or ‘Cabelas’.

But, have to give it to M. da Bear. He hung on to the end with three women under his wing. And kept us entertained the whole time. One funny, sweet man. Haven’t laughed like that in awhile and wish I could remember half of what we laughed about because he’s that much fun. I think even Brenda had a good time.

Viewed a sphinx, a sarcophagus (looked like brick bathtub with cool etchings) and beautiful jewerly with etchings and some tiny bug looking things called scarabs. They were nothing scary like in ‘The Mummy’ movie. M. da Bear convinced me they weren’t real bugs.

I believe him.

These scarabs were pretty little things. With etchings. Back then, I swear they must have had full time workers that did nothing but etch (is that a word?) all day long.

It was a great time had by all and the only stoopid thing I did was asked what language they spoke back then. Duh! But he was too kind to laugh at me. At least while I was looking.

After leaving Queen Hatshepsut, he asked where the nearest Starbucks was. Hey, doesn’t he realize that ALL roads lead to Starbucks? He may not have remembered how partial I am to Starbucks. :heart:

So, after seeing my first Museum Exhibit, my first Picasso, and my first Rembrandt (these are the real things folks!) we followed the yellow brick road to Starbucks where the poor man was stuck with the gaggle of women and vanilla lattes for another hour.

Note to self: Do not let Brenda alone with da Bears. EVER. Several of her conversations started with, “Did Sandy tell you when she…” or “Did Sandy ever tell you that she…” Darn, woman! Don’t you realize I have (had?) a good rep with them before you came along?

Note to Brenda: Paypacks. Are. Hell. 😈


This entry was posted on Wednesday, December 20th, 2006 at 10:55 pm and is filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

4 Responses to “tea with the queen…”

Michelle Says:

Sounds like you had a great time! (Are you stealing my quotes? 😉 )

Dennie Says:

Maybe it’s too early in the morning – maybe it’s have been up last night w/ sick child who is perfectly fine this morning – but I did not understand the beginning of this – maybe I’ll try again when the coffee has kicked in – LOL

Voodoo Says:

I want to see that exhibit so bad! It looks amazing! I’m glad to have read that you went to it and liked it!

Amie Says:

Sounds fabulous! I so want to take the kids *sigh*

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