Quote for the Day

“Always remember:
To Hug,
To Love,
To Trust,
To Feel Peace Deep Within You”

~Julie Jordan Scott (adapted)

…kicked butt today.

Not up to dealing with anyone today so kept my head down and tail in gear.

Got two spreadsheets done. Built 60 queries for the electronic record program. Dealt with an alarm response in one of the clinics. Attended two meetings. Had lunch with my boss after we ran some errands she needed to do. Finished a project I had going and started another when my boss walked into my office at 3:00 pm and said everyone could go home.

Got my car washed. Dropped a new pair of pants off to have the hems taken up (it’s tough being only five feet one and one half inches and petites are too short for my taste and average is too long). Made it home and have been a cleaning demon ~ dusting, mopping, scrubbing, stripping beds. Washing, drying and folding 5 loads of clothes (so far).

Now working on the mail on my desk. (The part I really hate.)

All to the tune of DH repeating over and over ‘why do you have to clean? No one is coming over, don’t worry about it.”

Why? Because of three overgrown and overaged frat boys and three bathrooms.

And he hasn’t seen my two page list of things to do tomorrow. :page:

One errand my boss had to do was pick up some cookies at a bakery in town that she claims is the best one there is in this area. I didn’t believe her until I walked in.

Oh. My. Stars!

The smell alone shot my glucose to astronomical levels. I can’t even remember what all they had. I just remember her breaking my will power down and I bought some. Christmas trees with icing. Christmas stars. Sugar snowmen. Christmas ornaments with icing.

But as much as I like good, fresh soft cookies ~ I haven’t eaten one. Not one. So proud of myself.

I need a vacation. Think I’ll go to Vegas in February. :thumbsup:

Christmas is only 3 days away. Are you ready?


This entry was posted on Friday, December 22nd, 2006 at 10:31 pm and is filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

4 Responses to “i totally…”

Rene Says:

You are on fire!! I guess I’m ready. I’d still like to get a Wii. Maybe I will try tomorrow morning.

Devon Ellington Says:

Ready, relaxed, and enjoying the season.

Sandy Says:

Rene: You are not going to believe this. But I was checking out at Best Buy the other day and they dropped 15-20 Wii at my feet getting ready to sell them. Had no clue what they were. Definitely passed up that opportunity.

Devon: You are always under control! I envy you.

Michelle Says:

Ready as I’ll ever be.

Just got paged by the master (who is 5!)… HUGS!

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