~John Burroughs
…probably not as it is complete silence tonight. Everyone in the family is gone for the evening. And I have the whole house to myself. All by myself.
Hmmmm….Not sure what I want to do first.
Watch a favorite movie…
Turn up my music a little louder than normal…
Call a friend and talk without interruptions…
It’s like being in a chocolate store. So many delicious options.
Got a lot done, but didn’t kick any butt today. Unless you count refereeing my two almost-out-on-their-own sons. Awfully close to Christmas right now to not be getting along. Don’t they know Santa is watching?
My soon-to-be-Marine son is feeling the anxiety and crunch of leaving in a few weeks and his little brother was just not getting it. After a long talk with the irritating little brother, I could almost visually see the light bulb go off when he realized the enormity of the situation. There is only a year difference in age and have never been apart like they will be soon.
I must have done a good job with the love-your-brother-and-give-him-a-break-and-try-to-be nice guilt trip because he went to the mall and came back with a nice gift for him for Christmas and plans to apologize for their disagreement this morning! :thumbsup:
The weather here has been nice with cool days and colder nights. Very nice.
Almost set for Christmas now. Have to finish the wrapping, get a few stocking stuffers yet, buy a few groceries.
But tonight I have a pot of homemade soup simmering on the stove for dinner tomorrow and have candles burning everywhere with only the Christmas lights on. Nice. Very nice.
I feel a movie, a warm, cozy blanket, and the couch calling my name right now. Wish I had someone to cuddle with.