Quote for the Day

“The idea of waiting for something makes it more exciting.”

~Andy Warhol

…and thanks to M. da Bear for that quote. Not that he reads this blog or even knows how to find it, but thanks anyway.

And, Brenda…don’t you dare. I. Will. Find. You.

We spent all day at the ‘da Bears’ yesterday. And, as usual, had so much fun. Mrs. J. ‘da Bear’ is adorable and so hospitable and fun. She and my youngest son have a thing going where they always try to beat each other at games. I think he won last night. Too many wine coolers for me to remember. M. ‘da Bear’ is just plain wonderful also. They are really and truly fantastic people.

We ate, drank, played games, played in the hot tub ~ and if you have never done the hot tub thing under the clear and starry sky when it is COLD outside, you don’t know what you are missing ~ they had to pry my pruny butt out of it.

Note to self: Exercise said pruny butt.

And then we didn’t get home till 4:30 this morning. Can’t remember the last time I stayed up all night.

Thanks, again, to the ‘da Bears’ who are probably still hibernating this morning.

It’s that time of year again. Where New Year’s resolutions fly through the air. Some to land and become accomplishments and others to fade like fairy dust before hitting the cold, hard ground.

It doesn’t matter if you believe in resolutions or not. Or will have fulfilled even one of them by year’s end. It is a matter of believing in yourself. Then what you need to accomplish will happen. See favorite quote on sidebar.

I hesitate to make any this time because the troll gods of resolutions seem to find a way of sneaking in and ruining everything. But I will work on some goals and make a plan. And see where the journey takes me.

Have any New Year’s thoughts you’d like to share?


This entry was posted on Monday, January 1st, 2007 at 1:32 pm and is filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

6 Responses to “happy new year…”

Bailey Stewart Says:

I’m writing. Well, obviously not right at this moment, just taking a break. And getting used to “it”.

Devon Ellington Says:

I’m working on my 2007 GDRs to try and get back on track after the hell that was last year.

voodoo Says:

Happy New Year honey!!! XOXO

Dennie Says:

:juggle: working on it…

Brenda Says:

Ok–think. If M. da Bear wants fo find your blog I bet he could just Google you. Of course, if I see him again, I may tell him how to find it for a substantial fee.
I’m not even going to comment on the hot tub thing–It was COLD out there, girl! You may not be blonde anymore, but the roots are still yallar!

Sandy Says:

Bailey: Good for you!

Devon: 2007 is going to be a wonderful year!

Voodoo: Hey, we still need to plan a girl’s night out with Dennie at Mik’s house. Must include wine and lots of laughs.

Dennie: You are not fooling me – you don’t do resolutions! And do very well without them, I must say.

Brenda: Would I steer you wrong? Didn’t you have fun at the museum and the Starbucks vanilla latte with us? Trust me, a hot tub in winter is something you must try at least once in your lifetime. Stick with me, kid, and you’ll never have a bad time! And M. da Bear has probably forgotten all about the blog by now.

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