Quote for the Day

“Love is the beauty of the soul.”

~Saint Augustine

…was torture. Literally twelve hours with the group from Minnesota going over the electronic record program they sold us and we are building to fit our system. Haven’t quite figured out how that works. We pay them money and we do all the work.

There are parts of it I am not happy with and don’t trust.

Hard to believe it if you really know me, but, today, I had no trouble speaking my mind about it as I am partly on the line with it and will have to answer to my supervisor, my boss, my boss’s boss, and his boss. And I don’t even want to think of the food chain above them.

And the worry about allowing something to be put out there in the field that affects an entire system of physician offices and speciality clinics consisting of over 800 employees. If I can’t trust something, how can I teach and train doctors and nurses to use and rely on it?

I am not making it out to seem I have the whole monkey on my back. Far from it. It is a political hot potato that goes all the way to the top. But I work very closely to see that it works with what is needed out there since I have worked in the field for so long and know what works and what doesn’t.

Gaw, can you tell I am tired? Too many ‘works’ in that last sentence and too tired to rephrase it.

But there were several highlights to my day and I will treasure them always. 😉 Makes everything all worth while.

Tomorrow we do a dry run, showing what we have so far to some pretty important people and anxious to see if they agree with me…or the dark side.


This entry was posted on Thursday, January 4th, 2007 at 12:06 am and is filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

7 Responses to “today…”

Sandy S Says:

good luck with your presentaiton. I know you’ll do great.

Dennie Says:

you cen do eet! :thumbsup:

Devon Ellington Says:

You work in health care. People’s lives are on the line. They need someone like you to speak up when you don’t trust something — your instincts are good. To HELL with the politics — health shouldn’t be about politics, it should be about what’s best for the patients, and what allows the doctors and nurses to do their best for the patients.

Keep speaking up.

Rene Says:

Good for you for speaking out. I know it feels intimidating, but it is important.

Voodoo Says:

Hang in there honey! Maybe we can meet up for a whine and wine session after it’s all said and done, eh??? :yes:

Bailey Stewart Says:

:heart: I’m not one to speak up about things either, so I know how hard it was. I have faith in you.

Sounds like someone will need a little spam to make them laugh. You know where to find me …

Michelle Says:

Gee I can totally relate. But you go girl!! Don’t take crap from no one and stand your ground! 🙂

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