Quote for the Day

“Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men of talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent.”

~Calvin Coolidge

…to all who stood by me these last few months lending their strength, their understanding, their wisdom, and their compassion.

I will forever owe you. Big Time. My wish for you is love, happiness, and a never ending supply of chocolate and Starbucks.

These last few months have brought many changes to my life. We lost our precious little dog, the oldest-son-father-of-the-twins and wife split up, middle son left for Marine boot camp, and the youngest son left the nest to make his own world in life. And my marriage has taken a different direction.

Life forever changes. As it has to. If it doesn’t, we stagnate and are never forced to grow in character, in wisdom, and in strength. Sometimes it takes major changes in life to accomplish this. And sometimes it hurts those that you never mean to hurt.

And for that, I am truly sorry. But, again, sometimes, it is necessary.

Work related, things are great. I still love my job. I have so much fun on the weeks I teach and train new hires and appreciate the challenge of working on the electronic ambulatory record. Yesterday, we were finally allowed to receive those 800 plus DTS (codes to fix problems) but, after only a day’s worth of testing, found a multitude of problems that the fixes broke. :hissyfit:

The writing has not gone well the last two months, mainly because of the problems and changes on the home front, but, now that I am finally settling down again, the itch has returned. And I have some very inspirational inspiration :thumbsup:.

What’s been happening in your world?


This entry was posted on Wednesday, February 21st, 2007 at 8:58 pm and is filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

9 Responses to “thanks…”

Voodoo Says:

As hard as change is you are, indeed, correct. Sometimes it’s needed.

Rene Says:

Sorry the changes have been so encompassing, but you are a strong person. Glad to hear the writing bug is biting.

Devon Ellington Says:

You know we’re here for you, Sandy, and we’ll do whatever we can to help.

Hmm, what’s been going on? Too much theatre work, not enough writing — although I landed a cool, long-term gig beginning in April — and trying to find time to househunt.

That’s pretty much it.

Nancy Hall Says:

Glad to hear things are settling down and moving forward! You are strong and compassionate and I know your world will once again be filled with happiness and peace. Now, get writing! Oh, and hey, visit our website!

Amie Says:

I’m glad things are settling down. We missed you bunches! :thumbsup:

Sandy Says:

Voodoo: Thanks for the encouragment! Hope to see you again some time!

Rene: Thanks! Yes, I am strong. As sometimes we have to be. And trying to pull out my WIP’s and find where I left off.

Devon: Congrats on the new gig! Keep us informed how it and the house hunting is going!

Nancy: Thanks, Nancy! And have I told you lately how much I enjoy working with you? You’re the best!

Amie: And I have missed you guys so much! Will NOT miss next months meeting, I promise!

Lucy ~ Says:

life gets better…swear :wave:

Michelle Says:

EVERYTHING happens for a reason. I truly believe that.

As for me… oh not much has been happening. Not much AT ALL. 😉

Jacquelyn Frank Says:

Sandy, this is the first time I have encountered your blog and once I began reading I couldn;t stop. You must be an incredible writer…and it sounds like you are a spectacular human being as well. I couldn;t figure out how to contact you other than this way at the moment. Just remember how you felt back in November, curled up with a blanket and a cup of Folgers in the Lazy Boy (I love mine, heh) and the way you wanted to spin…those moments are like tides in our lives. They come and go and wash over things until they are sparkly and new.

Big hugs.

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