~Calvin Coolidge
…to all who stood by me these last few months lending their strength, their understanding, their wisdom, and their compassion.
I will forever owe you. Big Time. My wish for you is love, happiness, and a never ending supply of chocolate and Starbucks.
These last few months have brought many changes to my life. We lost our precious little dog, the oldest-son-father-of-the-twins and wife split up, middle son left for Marine boot camp, and the youngest son left the nest to make his own world in life. And my marriage has taken a different direction.
Life forever changes. As it has to. If it doesn’t, we stagnate and are never forced to grow in character, in wisdom, and in strength. Sometimes it takes major changes in life to accomplish this. And sometimes it hurts those that you never mean to hurt.
And for that, I am truly sorry. But, again, sometimes, it is necessary.
Work related, things are great. I still love my job. I have so much fun on the weeks I teach and train new hires and appreciate the challenge of working on the electronic ambulatory record. Yesterday, we were finally allowed to receive those 800 plus DTS (codes to fix problems) but, after only a day’s worth of testing, found a multitude of problems that the fixes broke. :hissyfit:
The writing has not gone well the last two months, mainly because of the problems and changes on the home front, but, now that I am finally settling down again, the itch has returned. And I have some very inspirational inspiration :thumbsup:.
What’s been happening in your world?