Quote for the Day

‘Winter is nature’s way of saying, “Up yours.” ‘

~Robert Byrne

…we saw some green alligators and long necked geese…
…some humpy backed camels and some chimpanzees… :guitar:

Can’t get that song out of my mind. Always liked it but now it is stuck in my head.

Did something different this year. Instead of hiding Easter eggs and baking a ham and sneaking chocolate out of Easter baskets, went to the zoo.

The weather started out gray and quite nippy. At first, the walk around the park garnered only empty and silent cages. A few of the animals sleepily rose from their cozy beds, ducking back in quickly to keep warm. You could almost hear them shaking their heads thinking “And HUMANS are supposed to be the smarter ones??”

But it warmed up comfortably and had a wonderful time. Learned a few fundamental things too.

The difference between black and white rhinos.

~It’s the shape of their mouths.

The difference between alligators and crocodiles.

~It’s the shape of their snouts.

The difference in poisonous snakes and non-poisonous snakes.

~It’s the shape of their heads.

The difference between African elephants and Asian elephants.

~It’s the shape of their ears.

Evidently, shape is very important in the animal kingdom.

Entering the chimpanzee inside exhibit, there was a racket going on that rivaled a kindergarten class mainlining pure sugar. The five or six chimps were screeching, screaming, swinging from the rafters and occasionally beating up on each other.

Until the zoo keeper walked up. (Or maybe she was the chimp warden.)

With one look from her, they settled down with innocent looks of “What???? We weren’t doing anything.”

Just like my boys used to do to drive me crazy.

The most intense moment was nose to nose to a huge black gorilla with only a thin sheet of glass separating the two of us. He leaned into the glass with huge dark eyes that watched with ferocious and cunning intensity. And then he did something gross that cleared the room. Ewww!

My favorite exhibit was also the most interactive.

The Blue Bell Ice Cream Exhibit.

Unfortunately, it was also the most dangerous as the double scoop strawberry on a sugar cone probably went straight to my hips.


This entry was posted on Tuesday, April 10th, 2007 at 9:52 pm and is filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

2 Responses to “it’s the shape of their…”

Lucy ~ Says:

the difference between a write and a non writer–the shape their bald spot.

“muse, where is my freaking muse…”

Karen Says:

“double scoop strawberry on a sugar cone”


Michele ~waves~ “hi”!

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