Quote for the Day

‘To imagine is everything. To know is nothing at all. ‘

~Anatole France

Have been working with a friend and fellow writer on her book which is technically the second in a series. My friend is a bona fide, card carrying, self admitting ‘pantser’ which actually means she grabs an idea and runs with it, the plot unfolding as she writes along. And does a wonderful job at it.

But while laboring on the revisions of this book, she decided it needed some more work (not that there is anything wrong with it as she is an awesome, talented writer), but she wanted to give it a little something extra and do some plotting on it and see what we could come up with.

So we dusted off our plotting caps and sharpened our creative imaginations and spent a few hours discussing possibilities and scenarios. And came up with some awesome ideas to add to her already rock solid story. And in the process learned that there was actually a third book to be had in the series!

Imagine our surprise!

There is nothing more exciting than getting together with people who share the same dreams, the same passions, letting the creativity flow hot and wild and coming up with ideas that gives you goose bumps in the process.

Gaw, that is my favorite part of this crazy, frustrating thing called writing. And so rewarding when it is put to paper and the story unfolds into a living breathing entity.

Like giving birth. Without the stretch marks.

In the ensuing excitement, I decided to join several of my Yellow Rose RWA friends and I enrolled in Shelley Bradley’s upcoming May online workshop called Storyboarding. This workshop teaches how to ‘allow you to plot the skeleton of a story or put all the story flesh on its bones, right down to the last freckle or drop of sweat.’

Today, while thinking about writing this post, I was reminded that plotting can also refer to life. Some plan it all out. To do lists, grocery lists, retirement goals, Christmas savings account, long term care policies, vacation plans. While others take it one day at a time adjusting to what is thrown at them. The lucky ones hit a happy medium.

So, be honest, either in your writing or just the process of living your life are you…

a plotter or pantser?


This entry was posted on Tuesday, April 17th, 2007 at 9:46 pm and is filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

4 Responses to “plotter or pantser…”

Michelle Says:

HA! You know me. When it comes to writing, I’m a total pantser. When it comes to life, I need to know what’s around the corner. Sometimes, I’m surprised (pleasantly) and other times not so pleasantly. Such is life. I’m trying to learn how to find that happy medium. And it ain’t easy.

I’m taking that workshop too! Lord knows I need it haha

Bailey Stewart Says:

I’m a panster with a touch of plotter. I wish I were a plotter in everything, but alas, I wing my way through life too.

Nancy Hall Says:

Maybe there are more pantsters than plotters in life! My daughter accuses me of going through life flying by the seat of my pants. She’s probably right!:rockon::bananadance:

Lucy ~ Says:

I signed up for the workshop 😉

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