“Demolish the bridges behind you…then there is no choice but to move forward.”

~Firdtjof Nansen

…I have listened to Christmas music already.

I shook my head in dismay at the Christmas decorations up in the stores before Thanksgiving and expressed disbelief at the Holiday tunes on the radio. But, I am ashamed to say that, on occasion, I will switch the channel to listen to a song or two.

Not that I am in any hurry for the season to begin. Haven’t even made my list yet. Or thought about it.

But, I have met some new friends. Hello to KB, Miss K, and Miss T.

And have been to the Aquarium. And had a wonderful time.

And actually remembered to bring my camera.

I love waterfalls

I hate snakes

I love penguins

I hate…whatever this ugly thing is. Although it really is alive and some kind of fish.


This entry was posted on Monday, November 19th, 2007 at 10:38 pm and is filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

6 Responses to “Okay, I admit it…”

Nancy H. Says:

:bananadance:Good to see you blogging again!! I missed it. I too love waterfalls, but hate that ugly thing you took a picture of! Yuk:no: I won’t see you until after Turkey Day. Have a good one!!!!!!!!!!!

sandy s Says:

I love the aquarium. I was so amazed and after all these years didn’t know it was here. Good to see your blog updated. Happy Turkey Day.

Michelle Says:

That thing is…freaky.

You better get to blogging!

Denise ~ Says:

aw www. . . . I hink it’s kinda cute in a “wouldn’t want it to swim up my suit” sorta way . . . .

Brenda Says:

It’s a kind of seahorse, silly. :rotfl:

Dani Says:

They are called Leafy Sea Dragons and they are actually a type of marine fish that is related to the seahorse. Here’s the link to Wikipedia that tells you about them. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leafy_sea_dragon

I have a few pictures of these myself and another variation of it too. They are pretty neat to look at. 🙂

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