“Courage is being scared to death but saddling up anyway.”

~John Wayne

……November is National Novel Writing month. Otherwise known as NaNo. Thirty days to compete against yourself and spew out 50,000 words on your WIP. It doesn’t have to be perfect, it doesn’t have to be completed, no editing allowed.

But the gauntlet has been thrown by several of my writing friends to sign up again this year and I am toying with the idea.

You do realize if I actually plan anything that involves writing, it incurs the wrath of the writing gods and they will do everything in their power to thwart those plans? Hmm…(strumming my fingers on my desk trying not to smile). Should I take a chance? Can I outwit them this year? Can I find the balance between work, life, and love? (Smile fades, drumming ceases) Can I give up what I have to give up to accomplish this?

Stay tuned…


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