‘Nobody got anywhere in this world by simply being content.’

~Louis L’Amour

I dunno. Looks pretty good to me right now!

The contest entries are all on the way to the first round judges! Now we get a little bit of a breather.

Would love to take a vacation and just do nothing. Relax. Rejuvenate. Recuperate.

Be a bear.

But too much to do, to see, to experience.

Have been so busy with the contest, it is hard getting back to writing. I need either some motivation or a swift kick in the butt. :loser: I guess that is why they say to write EVERY day! Then you don’t lose your momentum.

Congrats to Mik for selling her ‘Ransome and Fortune’ serial as a re-release to Inara Press. Way to go, Michelle! Dane Fortune is HOT! :loveeyes:

Mary D just returned from a week long visit with her parents and has the most hysterical top ten reasons why adults should avoid visits to the parents.

Check out Dennie’s blog for some really hot pics.


This entry was posted on Wednesday, February 1st, 2006 at 10:31 pm and is filed under General. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Responses are currently closed, but you can trackback from your own site.

3 Responses to “Content”

Mik Says:

Thanks for the shout out. I’m super excited. And regarding writing – if you kick me in the pants, I’ll kick you. Seems fair, right? 😉

Sandy Says:

You got it! Sounds like a plan! Anyone else want to join our little butt kicking session? (need a butt kicking smilie here!)

Dennie Says:

hot pics – I just put Ziggy up – not hot so much – just scroll down some though and there are some doozies!!!!


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