Reno was a blast! Like an idiot, I forgot my my digital camera so I picked up a throwaway one and felt ridiculous using it so…I didn’t! We flew Southwest Airlines and after a stop in Albuquerque, Pheoenix, and Las Vegas we eventually made it to Reno. The flight attendants were a hoot and made it fairly enjoyable albeit a loooong trip.

The hotel was really nice but their slots sucked big time. A friend of mine from Chicago won $100.00 playing craps and another friend won $250.00 the first night there, but after that…nada! After losing my allotted amount, I focused on important stuff like buying books and the cutest little vampire beanie baby. The food was good, room size and views were excellent – no complaints there.

Some of the workshops were fantastic. I really enjoyed Suzanne McMinn’s on Emotion. She really touched a chord in me and will definitely use some of her suggestions. Won’t ever write again without thinking of Nutter Butters. If you are curious about that – get a copy of the workshop and you will see 😉

You can’t ever get over 2000 women together without some type of drama but all in all it was a great conference. Sooo glad to have gone. Now to get back to reality and get some work done!

This entry was posted on Wednesday, August 3rd, 2005 at 11:38 am and is filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Responses are currently closed, but you can trackback from your own site.

4 Responses to “Home Again”

Mik Says:

Welcome home again. And oh, by the way, your smilies are working. 😀

Sandy Says:

Thank you, Mik! I love them! 😆 They are so cool! 😎

Suzanne Says:

Thanks for coming to my workshop, Sandy! Next time I should bring cookies….. :mrgreen:

Jill Says:

Those slots were addicting!! LOL, I never won a thing though …

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