Started early with bringing my husband to work at 7:00am because his car is in the shop – again! Then a mad rush to the South Hills office – which I had only visited twice since they moved. Didn’t know how to get there from my DH’s office so went 1000 miles out of the way to go the way I knew. And still got lost. I mentioned to my husband while I had him on the phone looking up the directions on the internet for me that it was a good idea if I could get a GPS thingy put in my car. He asked why since I could call him six times in 15 minutes and bother him at work! Smart ass! Before I left to go to the office in Arlington, I made sure I got directions and found out that the exit I had needed earlier that morning was only a few miles from DH’s office. Did I ever go the long way around!

Finally got back on my WIP. Did only 250 words on it and then about 300 words on the synopsis. But hey, it is better than zero count as it has been for a couple of weeks. I get so envious of those friends of mine that write 1000-5000 words a day. And just like spitting it out! And it always is very good. If I didn’t love ’em so much, I be jealous!

I won an e-book tonight and I am so excited about it! Check out CeCe’s Big Mouth to check out her Dancehall Diaries: Lynette that is now out. Chocolate and a hunky cowboy. Yum! Sounds like a treat to me!

This entry was posted on Wednesday, August 10th, 2005 at 11:25 pm and is filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Responses are currently closed, but you can trackback from your own site.

4 Responses to “Lost & Won”

cece Says:

Hey you wrote more than I did yesterday! LOL
And thanks for the *nod* I hope you like Lynette!

Jill Says:

Lol on the husband’s response. He must be related to mine …

Mik Says:

HAR! I don’t ask for directions from my husband anymore. He gets me MORE lost than I do!

Good on ya for writing! YOU GO! And I do not write 1000 a day. Well… maybe… 😉 (Just remember, the only reason I do is because I have a job where I just “draw a paycheck”) hehe

Suzanne Says:

Any progress counts! It’s all good. Don’t compare with others. Yours is what you could do that day and it’s still progress!

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