Quote of the Day

‘Forget the failures of the past and embrace the promises of the future.’


It appears to me right now that everyone I know is getting slammed one way or another with something in their lives that is causing much pain and confusion. Last night two things happened in my family that almost had me pulling my not-so-blonde roots out. And as I pondered and worried and stewed and pouted, I remembered that when I was younger, I had a much different attitiude about how to handle these things.

Before it was ‘Hey, no problem. It’ll work out alright.’ Now it is: ‘OMG! What if this happens? What’ll we do? What’s going to happen? How will we..?’

You get the picture.

I’m worried I am beginning to turn into Raymond’s mom on ‘Everbody Loves Raymond’.
And I am paraphrasing this, folks. It is not verbatim:

Raymond’s Mom: “Raymond, we have all these pears left over that you sent us.”
Raymond: “So share them with your friends. You’ll get some more fruit next month.”
Mom: “More fruit! What do you mean more fruit? When?”
Raymond: “Next month, Ma.”
Mom: “What? More fruit next month? Why?”
Raymond: “Yeah, Ma. That’s why it is called the Fruit of the Month.”
Mom: “Fruit of the month? More fruit? What are we going to do with more fruit?”
Raymond: “I don’t know, Ma..”
Mom: “Frank! Frank! Get in here! We are getting more fruit!”
Frank: “More fruit? More FRUIT? Why?”
Raymond: “Yeah, Dad, it’s called Fruit of the Month.”
Frank: “You mean we get fruit EVERY month? What? You think we can’t afford our own fruit?”
Raymond: “I didn’t mean…”
Mom: “Oh, my! What will the neighbors think?”
Frank: “What are we going to do with all this fruit!”
Mom: “He’s in a cult, Frank. That is what it is. A cult!”
Raymond: “It’s NOT a cult, Ma! It’s a gift! I thought… Oh, never mind! I’ll cancel it.”
Frank: “Yeah, you do that Raymond. What were you thinking? I can afford my own fruit!”
Mom: “Oh, thank God!”

I laugh everytime I see this episode and, believe it or not, helps me keep things in perspective when I start freaking out when life turns fruity.


This entry was posted on Friday, February 3rd, 2006 at 9:50 am and is filed under General. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Responses are currently closed, but you can trackback from your own site.

6 Responses to “Life can be fruity…”

Mik Says:

AW! I love that!!!

Dennie Says:

I uh never watched that show – I think it hits too close to home….. :eyes:

:eyes: do you know the MIL called him the other day – while he is out-of-town – she needs to get her own d#$% life – can you tell I am annoyed?!?!?!?! :sealed:

Sandy Says:

Mik: Thanks!

Dennie: A fruity MIL, perhaps? :yes:

Devon Ellington Says:

Hang in there. Let’s hope it works out for all of us soon. It’s this damned Saturn Retrograde (life lessons) that’s really slamming us this time around.

Sandy Says:

Devon: Well, how much longer???? 🙄

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