“Consider what you would most like to do IF YOU DARED. Now do it through your characters.”

Check out my friend’s blog, Mary’s Musings. I literally weeped with laughter. Her last two postings are priceless.

Congrats to my friend, Dennie, for her sales to Samhain Publishing! Way to go, Dennie!

Look for both Dennie’s and Mik’s books coming out this year. I am soooo proud of them!

Today was my RWA chapter’s monthly meeting and, as president, I always have butterflies as I plan what we have to and want to accomplish for that particular meeting.

In fact, I literally shake with nervousness when I drive into the parking lot. As I enter the room and see all my writer friends, I am attacked by doubts and insecurities that I can be the leader that they so deserve.

But not long after being with them, I relax and, although, I may not be as eloquent as I would like to be, I leave there with such a feeling of encouragment, inspiration, and warmth, that I feel very honored to have been elected president another year to serve them.

Here’s to the greatest little RWA chapter in the organization. Thanks, guys! :loveeyes:

This entry was posted on Saturday, January 14th, 2006 at 6:50 pm and is filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Responses are currently closed, but you can trackback from your own site.

6 Responses to “Saturday”

Dennie Says:

You are and have been a wonderful president – :banana: you should have no insecurities –

Thanks for the kidos – :mrgreen: – I am still floating ….

Mary D Says:

Okay-so I’m still kind of new at this blogging thing.:book2: So please bear with me. These little happy face things are cool. I really like the dancing banana. :banana:

First of all, Sandy-you are a good prez. You shouldn’t have any doubts about that. It isn’t easy to manage a group-especially a group of women. :eyes: You’ve done an excellent job and should be very proud of yourself. :wave:

Now-you need to get working on that story. :typing: Remembe what I said about a synopsis/plot/roadmap-whatever you want to call it. Get it on paper. :whip:

Okay, I’m going to have to stop now. I could have WAY too much fun with these little guys.

Dennie Says:

whoops 😯 – that should say kudos – not kidos 😆 – that would make our relationship a whole ‘nother thing 😳

Sandy Says:

Dennie: You always make me laugh. :rotfl: Yep, kidos is a whole ‘nuther bag’!

Mary: Thanks, I just worry too much! And I will be working on my WIP, I promise! And then you will be stuck critiquing it!:twisted:

Mik Says:

Sandy you’re a great prez. You know that. 🙂 Thanks for the shout out, btw :wave:

Sandy Says:

Gosh, I feel guilty! I really wasn’t looking for accolades. 😳 Honest. Just voicing my concerns and insecurities.

We really have a great group of women. And I want to do a good job for them. And when I stand on my tiptoes and say “No. It has to be THIS way, I later worry about hurt feelings, etc. But I always research things and get advice before I decide the way to go. Soooo, that’s my story and I’m sticking to it. Love all you guys! :loveeyes:

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