“Information’s pretty thin stuff unless mixed with experience.”

~Clarence Day

…a big ass dead bug on my front porch!

A huge one!

I went to do my walking and checked out the front porch and there it was! A huge, black bug at least the size of a tennis ball. Okay, okay, maybe a large golf ball. But the fact is…it is there! And it is huge! Caught in some kind of web, just hanging there, dead, but nevertheless…!

And, like a moth to a flame, I keep going out there to look at it, shudder, and then run back inside. Gaw, I am such a wimp!

The front porch is small. So no matter how I try to knock it down it may – just might – could possibly – probably will fall down on me.

Which brings me to the tag that Michelle sent my way and Dennie reminded me of.

Things that make me shudder:

1. Things that go bump in the night. In the dark. When I am alone.
2. Heights.
3. Rude people.
4. Mean people.
5. People with no sense of humor.

I tag Sandy S, Brenda C, KB, and NH!

Now to go find my courage and a haz mat suit! A knight in shining armor would be even better!


This entry was posted on Wednesday, October 3rd, 2007 at 8:55 pm and is filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

5 Responses to “there is…”

Brenda Says:

Wus! I’ve had to deal with bugs, possums, bees, crazy smoke alarms, tree limbs, sick birds and one dead pet dog all own my own for years. You just put on your big girl panties, have a good cry, then get up and take care of business. A dead bug is nothing. One of my dogs brought me a baby possum and buried it in my bed–about 2 a.m. I thought he just had to go out, but surprise, surprise, he was on a hunting trip. You really need a dog.

Sandy Says:

Brenda: I’ll have you know that the bug is now history and the garbage has already been picked up. :rockon:

So it is not even on my premises any longer. And no way a bug is going to make me cry no matter how big it is.

When you were used to a family of men, you could usually find one available to deal with the bugs. Well, except maybe my youngest. He hates them also. It did almost touch me when I knocked it down {{shudder}}. :help:

Denise ~ Says:

ICK!!!!!!!!!!! s’all I am saying …………..

Michelle Says:

I hate bugs. I hate spiders even more and it seems my house has been overrun with them.

And PS…there is no such thing as knights in shining armour. 😉

Nancy Says:

:rotfl: Ewwwwwwwww bugs! Of course, I am the one who has to deal with the bugs in my house, but when my cats bring presents that include rats :bugeyes: ugh! He gets to deal with that!

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