“You can turn painful situations around through laughter. If you can find humor in anything, even poverty, you can survive it.”

~Bill Cosby

…purple, swollen, and drools?

My mouth after my root canal.

Get your mind out of the gutter. 😈

It was actually no big deal. Even when the dentist hadn’t deadened the tooth quite completely and had to stop everything to re-inject my mouth. And even when the nitrous oxide tank went completely empty in the middle of the procedure.

Hellooo! The only reason I agreed to this was the nitrous oxide. Not that I am a wimp or anything. But if there is a choice between:

a) pain accompanied with anxiety or
b) no pain with a tiny bit of feel good magic available

I pick the latter.

I tried getting the point across with my mouth full of instruments and hands but it wasn’t until I closed my mouth and refused to open it that they got the point.

Tank was switched and Jimmy Buffett on the iPod and I were back in business.

Tonight I finish a project for work and then I finally will force myself to drag out my WIP’s and figure out what to do next.


This entry was posted on Wednesday, September 5th, 2007 at 7:48 pm and is filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

4 Responses to “what is…”

sandy Says:

Sorry to hear about the bum RC…yuck…good to see you will be writing. You can do it!:thumbsup:

Brenda Says:

You are such a wus. I didn’t use the “happy”gas for my root canal. Did just fine.
As for the iPod–I don’t have one. I did get a free MP3 thingee with my camera but I have no idea what to do with it. I still have dial up and no cable. Did I tell you I am slow to move into the 21st century?? Oh, and since you thought it was so funny I got jury duty and you never have, I will make a point to remind the court system they need to contact you because you are feeling so left out! Laugh then!

Denise ~ Says:

I am allergic to the gas–I go w/ novicaine only EEK!

Sandy Says:

Sandy S: Glad to see you are back from Florida! Hope you had a wonderful time!

Brenda: Don’t. You. Dare! I know where you live girlfriend!

Denise: Ouch! I am really not a wus and have a pretty high pain tolerance, but if I’d have my druthers…..

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